Why the Size of Your Kitchen Matters

The scale of the kitchen has improved over the years. Historically, the kitchen was not the focal point of the building. For much of their past, kitchens were gloomy, fragrant, dirty spaces vulnerable to burn. Yet today, the scale of the kitchen counts, as well as its location and style.

You will get a taste of how necessary a kitchen is to make a return on investment in a kitchen remodeling. Usually, a kitchen remodeling would earn you a better return on investment than a roof or a window repair.

A home with a tiny kitchen, or one disconnected from the rest of the property, is not going to sell very well. Not to mention that it is not going to be a charming spot to eat dinner.

The house could be significant in any way, except for the kitchen, and the teen kitchen could ruin your offer. When you seek to sell a house with a crowded kitchen area in Studio City, do not hesitate! I am here to help with a few simple tips to make the mini-kitchen look a lot bigger.

Do Not Overlook the Kitchen Design

Now you have got a big kitchen accessible to the main living room. This is fine, so how is the kitchen set up? The kitchen’s design and functionality are almost as critical as the size and place of the kitchen. Your least favorite space in the house would soon become a poorly built kitchen.

The architecture of the appliances and the usable counter space will make or break the kitchen. For example, a kitchen backsplash with a whiter tone will give you a sense of a bigger space. Enhanced functionality such as islands with cooktops and sinks will make a significant change in usability. A walk-in pantry outside the kitchen may be a game-changer. You add a kitchen with a spacious peninsula, a service counter, a walk-in pantry right next to a breakfast nook, and you always have the heart of your house.

White Color Palettes Are Your Tiny Kitchen’s Friend

As you might already know, white is distinct from every other shade of color in that it will light up the whole room. You probably remember learning a lesson about what colors actually are during high school. You probably remember that white reflects all colors within the spectrum; the practical effect of a room filled with color reflecting the full spectrum of light is to add depth and dimension to the kitchen. Using a white color palette functions in the same way as using mirrors to light up space. Let us speak about using mirrors to light up space.

Use Mirrors to Open the Room Up

Every interior designer has an old mirror trick in his back pocket, which he uses to unlock tiny spaces. The teeny kitchen will suddenly look more prominent when the light bounces across the house.

Avoid Bulky Cabinets

This may sound like common sense, but if your kitchen is low on space … why on earth should you fill the room with significant, rectangular, room fill like cabinets? Alternatively, using rotating tables! What is essential to keep in mind is that you lose one of the benefits of closed cabinets with floating shelves; everything needs to be carefully arranged on floating shelves, so that it does not look like an ogre resides nearby (with cabinets, you have got a little more leeway, unless you have got very rude house guests who just rummage about your stuff).

Let’s Keep the Space Open

Just because your kitchen is tiny, does not mean you should not have an island; in reality, why do you think those large island kitchens look so giant in the first place? If you guessed an open area, you are going to win today’s quiz. No, you are not going to have the vast island you see in Keeping Up with the Kardashians, but your house is not as large as theirs, so we can just function with what we have.

There Is a Pattern Here

Although it is foolish and a little cruel (at this point) to keep harping on how tiny your kitchen is, we do so because we care about it. The truth of the matter is that your tiny kitchen clearly does not have the square footage to enable you to waste a single inch. Nevertheless, the walls are generally the same height as the walls of larger kitchens, so you should definitely rely on that.

Install a wall rack for pots and pans, as we have already advised you to stop large cabinets. Bear in mind that you can stop making pots and pans hanging from the roof in a weird torturer’s space with equipment hanging in plain sight; the wall is a safe location for pots and pans.