Kitchen Storage Tips

A kitchen is probably one of the most utilized areas in the household! Be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a midnight snack; the kitchen is your go-to place.

It may be stylish and equipped with the latest cookware or appliances, but working in a small and cramped kitchen can become problematic. Especially if you are short on storage space!

Pots and pans flying out of the cabinets every time you open them, clustered drawers that taking out a single spoon is time consuming or a disorganized pantry can be very annoying at times.

Most individuals opt for expanding their kitchen; making it larger. However, not everyone has this option due to reasons like limited space or financial strains.

No need to get worried! In this article, we’ll talk about some tricks and tips through which you can increase your kitchen storage space without having to reconstruct it and spending large amount of money.

So let’s get started folks and learn some tactics to get some extra storage space in the kitchen.

Kitchen Storage Tips

Utilize the Ceiling Space

You can add some cabinets to the kitchen then you can have some constructed that goes all the way up to the ceiling. Add some shelves in them so that you can place the extra appliances over there.

However, make sure that you don’t put your everyday usage ingredients or Cookware in those cabinets as fetching them for cooking would become a problem. Think of those cabinets as a storage area to stock up the extra items in the kitchen.

Use up All of the Space

The key to having extra storage space is that you make use of all the empty areas in the kitchen and don’t waste them.

Confused? Have a kitchen counter but the space underneath is empty? Why not make some shelves underneath the counter?

Put some plates, kettle, or cutlery on those shelves. Moreover, while you’re working on the counter; cooking would become so much easier as you would only have to bend down to fetch anything you need rather than moving in the whole kitchen.

Got a fridge? Why not replace it with an under-counter refrigerator? This way you’ll be making extra space and you can add an extra cabinet where you kept the fridge previously.

Head over to Kitchen Peddler where you can find the recommendations of the best under-counter refrigerator to save your space.

Make the Extra Closet into a Pantry

Several people like buying their kitchen groceries in bulk as it proves to be cheaper. But they end up having more trouble because they run short of space to keep them!

If you have an extra closet in your house then you convert that into a pantry. Add some cupboards and extra shelves to increase the storage space and stock up the items. Check out this link to know some of the easy tips for organizing your entire kitchen

Build a Sliding Pantry

If you do not have a closet that you can convert into a pantry in your household; you can always make a built-in pantry in the kitchen.

The cabinets that are built under the kitchen counter; remove the shelves in them. Replace them with sliding racks; more of a pull-out pantry.

Place all the sauces, tin food, or packaged items in them. Whenever you require any ingredients, simply slide open the rack and get cooking.

Although for this storage tip, there is one piece of advice which we recommend you follow; don’t buy extra groceries!

We know that it saves money but what’s the point of saving some extra bucks if you do not have a place to keep the items?

Hang the Items

An extra tip for decluttering the drawers is taking out the cutlery that can be hanged. Fetch some hooks from the departmental store and fix them on walls.

Hang spatulas, cooking spoons, or even smaller cookware like saucepans or frying pans.

Get Glass Jars or Invisible Plastic Boxes

Do you have to look through every box to find a specific item? To save time we recommend that you stock up on glass jars or see-through plastic boxes. This way you can find everything with ease!

If you do not wish to waste the previous boxes at home then the best possible solution is that you label them. Get an erasable black marker or sticky notes and place them on the jars as well.

Get a Rolling Cart

Rolling carts come in all shapes and sizes and some of them are very sleek. This means that their miniature size gives you the liberty of placing them anywhere.

You can put coffee or tea supplies on them, some basic cutlery or even spices. Just locate any space in the kitchen and slide the Rolling Cart on the side.

We recommend placing it next to the stove or refrigerator!

Get Plate Racks Made

Got fancy dinnerware that is taking up all the space in the cabinet? You can always hang plate racks in the kitchen.

This way you’ll be saving up on a lot of space in the cabinets and you get to show off your plates and bowls too. Pretty neat, right?

Keep the Kitchen Counter Clean

Have you ever noticed that working in a messy kitchen only adds to the work? Not to mention, one gets easily annoyed as well!

We recommend that you keep the countertops clear at all times and add some space to the walls.

For example, are you keeping the toaster, coffee jars, or glassware rack on the countertop? If yes, then you’re only adding to the mess.

You can fix racks on the wall. Place all the items that you keep on the counter on the racks.

Not only have you added more space in the kitchen but you have also made it much cleaner!

Don’t Waste the Office Supplies 

If you have some old office supplies in the study room that you no longer use; you can always utilize them in the kitchen.

The filing cabinets can be turned into rolling carts which we previously mentioned in the article. You can even keep wines on them rather than storing them away in the cabinet.

Make Racks for Baking Gear and Cutting Boards

If you’re a caterer or just simply have a knack for cooking and testing out various dishes then this storage tip is for you!

You can have racks made under the counter or built-in slots where you can vertically slide in the cutting boards and the baking trays. We recommend that you get them custom-made and add in a variety of racks for all shapes and sizes to fit in all the cookware.

By following this trick, you can save up on space rather than wasting it for stacking the baking trays in the cupboard.

Make Hidden Storage Compartments in the Kitchen

Got some dishwashing sponges next to the sink or spatulas and knives placed next to the stove?

You can add storage compartments in the trim in front of the dishwashing basin or the stove.

Place the sponges, knives, and daily usage spatulas in those areas. This would help you steer clear from a messy counter and add some storage in the kitchen.

Storage Tips that Would Add some Style to the Kitchen

You don’t always need a spacious kitchen! These are only some of the storage tips that you could follow to get some extra space in the kitchen.